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Literacia e higiene digital

Digital literacy

The concept of Digital Literacy arises in the framework of ensuring that users of technological platforms have sufficient knowledge on how these expose them to the world. For a full digitalisation of modern society, it is important to consider that this education should be transversal so that we can move forward in an inclusive and transparent way.

We live in a world where the agility of information has become a problem. Access to content is so immediate that what was true yesterday is no longer true today. As this train speeds through our daily lives new ways of working or socialising emerge, often with choice (an example of this is the semi-religious debate between Teams and Zoom during Pandemic). There are also such disruptive advances, such as Blockchain or the Metaverse, which the general public cannot absorb, but which promise to be adventures of "we don't quite know what".
The need then arises to supplement over-the-counter education during the morning cimbal with concrete, demographic-adjusted content. It is just as important that the older layers have the confidence and dexterity to interact with technological media as it is that the younger ones understand that digital presence needs to be responsible. It is also necessary that access to this information is not conditioned by economic factors, as companies that put premium products on the market are also responsible for catering to the masses.

The only certainty we have is that things have changed, are changing and will change. We may not know exactly what for, but just as we have been honourably appointed as Public Health Agents, we have an unofficial duty to be Agents of Inclusion, Facilitators of Change and Digital Literacy Ambassadors. 

By Nuno Francisco | Developer Wellow™