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Semana da Saúde Mental

Mental Health Week

"Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light"

Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter Saga)

Dumbledore's quote was not an ill calculated risk. Although the latter was neither a philosopher nor a psychologist nor even a real person, he translated well the reality that many of us live with regard to our mental health. Sometimes it can seem like magic! Either because, being vigorous, it makes everything around us easier and even happier, or when, by its absence, everything becomes heavy and without solution. The impact of mental health on our lives is something that transcends the day-to-day and deserves our attention!

That is why we begin this week dedicated to Mental Health with a commitment: to reach the end knowing how and when to turn on the light, be it our own or that of others.

And in this week that celebrates Mental Health, the Wellow™ Group gives prominence to the theme and streamlines some tools so that, increasingly, the light beats the darkness and the stigma and taboo can end once and for all.

10/10 - Launch of the Mental Health E-book
11/10 - Mental Health Metrics on the Wellow™ Group
12/10 - Tibetan Singing Bowl Concert (Headquarters)
13/10: Mental Health & Burnout Workshop
14/10 Quick Massages