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Wellow™ Magazine: the new corporate magazine of the Wellow™ Group.

In June, the Wellow™ Group launched a corporate magazine with the purpose of strengthening internal and external communication channels and positively impacting the organisational culture and proximity to its stakeholders.

With the growth, complexification and diversification of the business ecosystem in recent years, it has become clear that there is a need to invest in a multichannel communication strategy, with the aim that important information reaches everyone, in the same way and at the same time.

As a result of this strategy - in addition to internal channels such as Wellow™ On (intranet), Wellow™ News (monthly newsletter), WhatsApp Groups - Wellow™ Connect was launched in 2022, monthly videoconferences that bring together the board, management team and employees, for informal conversations about strategies and results of the group and its brands, which proved to be an important contribution to internal communication and team motivation.

External communication, in turn, has been focusing on the website and social media as the preferred platforms for interaction.

The strategy of strengthening communication channels and media is now joined by Wellow™ Magazine, a periodic magazine in digital format that brings specialised content in the various areas of activity of the group's brands, as well as summarising the main events and news. A different format, but with the same purpose: to strengthen internal and external communication and, with that, the feeling of pride and belonging of all those who are part of the Wellow™ universe: employees, customers and partners.

Online, beautifully designed, it is a group magazine that showcases the best of what the Wellow™ Group does and is available to read. here.

"The response to the first edition of our magazine has been very positive, it reinforces our commitment to be closer to everyone and is an additional way to share everything that happens within the Wellow™ Group", says Tatiana Vale, Chief Marketing Officer.